National Access Long Distance

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Your Service, Your Choice

          Have you ever had to make a choice on which phone company to go with?  Have you ever wondered how you even have that choice?  You may have heard of it.  It’s called deregulation.  Deregulation broke up big monopolies where one company gave customers one choice on one kind of service for their utilities, even the telecommunications.  The telecommunications act of 1996 opened up doors where customers had the choice of providers, advanced services, and competitive prices.  Deregulation was great for the marketplace and consumers alike and as you read on you will explore why.
          First of all deregulation gave customers the choice of providers.  This is great because a customer does not have to settle with one type of service.  If a customer is not satisfied with a provider in any way they have the right to shop around.  For this reason it forces companies to stay competitive and strive for higher quality assurance.  This is greatly beneficial to the customer and insures they have greater experiences with their chosen provider.
          Another great outcome of deregulation is the advanced services and technology that has become available.  Before when big companies controlled everything in their market it left little or no room for anyone or anything else.  For example, before the bell companies were forced to divest they controlled everything down to the actual phone in the house.  They would rent this out to the customers and not allow them to alter or change it in any way.  This hindered the creation of the answering machine and fax machine as well as the evolution of the technology that we have today.  Deregulation has helped clear the way for the advanced services we have today.
          Last and probably most importantly deregulation has forced companies to price competitively.  With most utilities the product is the same and a company must distinguish itself by its service and pricing.  It is simple to see that a company with better service at lower rates will gain more customers.  This competitive pricing leaves you with better service for less.

          Deregulated utilities are great and beneficial to all of us.  Remember the next time you are looking around for a utility company it was deregulation that made the choice of providers, advanced services, and competitive prices available for you.  For more information on saving money on your long distance bill contact National Access Long Distance.