National Access Long Distance

Friday, September 20, 2013

Landline as a backup phone...

What is one of the biggest and most important reasons to carry a landline? It is for the reliability to make 911 emergency calls. This is important in any household.  Cell phones cannot compete with the dependability of a landline for at home emergencies. With the ease of use for children and seniors, reliability in power outages and ability to get emergency responders quickly are all reasons the landline is the best­ option to have in the home.

The landline isn’t just great for a family phone; it is also there to make emergency calls even if the power goes out. Cell phones are no good once their battery power is out. Unlike cell phones you will not lose or misplace a corded phone that is your dedicated landline. Also when you call 911 on a landline it gives the dispatcher your exact location instead of general area, which will make it a lot quicker to get responders to your aid.  Having a landline for this reason alone shows its importance.  Another great reason to have the landline as your emergency home phone is its ease of use for children and seniors.  With the advanced technology of cell phones it can make them more complicated for seniors and small children to use. A landline can remain basic and easier for seniors and children to make an emergency call if needed.

All around the landline phone is the best choice to make an emergency call.  Even if you already have a cell phone and love it, it is still wise to keep a landline in the home for back up if nothing more than for emergencies. To save money on your landline long distance contact National Access Long Distance.